Dear Visitor,
Our website has been prepared to commemorate the foundation of Transdanubian Research Institute 70 years ago. This venerable age deserves a celebration, even if we did not know that we often had to fight just for the mere survival. In spite of the many difficulties we faced, the institute is a well-known and a respected workshop of regional science, which even suffering from organizational changes retains its reputation of an organisation of professional credibility, and one that has been able to constantly renew built on its own past.
The storyline, one can assemble based on the content of this website, is revealing interesting details not only of institutional research, events, colleagues , but also reflects the different periods of Hungarian regional and science policy, the specific situation of a provincial research institute, its regional embeddedness and its efforts for catching up with the world of international science.
Success brought motivation and the difficulties encountered provided sufficient experience to enable the researchers' team now operating under the name of Transdanubian Research Department to use the celebration for plannnig for the future as well.
Working at the institute for 35 years, as a "veteran," I further success to the team and a useful browsing to the reader.
Ilona Pálné Kovács
research advisor
the last director of formerly independent Transdanubian Research Institute